Do you have a passion for horses and a career as an equine media professional? Applications are now open for the 2025 AHP Equine Media Student Award.
American Horse Publications has presented the AHP Equine Media Student Award since 1993. AHP is a member association of equine-related media, professionals, and businesses.
Are you eligible?
Yes, if you are a senior in high school or an undergraduate matriculated* college student under the age of 25, pursuing a career in equine media during the 2024-2025 school year, with at least one semester remaining before graduation at the time of application. You must have a 2.00 GPA or higher.
*A matriculated student has applied for and been accepted in a specific degree program through their college’s Admissions Office. Enrolled students in good standing must take a minimum of 9 credits and not exceed 18 credits per semester.
NOTE: The AHP Equine Media Student Award Contest is open to residents of the US and Canada only. Former Student Award Winners are ineligible; eligible Travel Award Winners may re-apply.
Application Deadline
January 31, 2025
As an award winner, you’ll…
- Meet, network, and participate with publishers, editors, advertising, production, and marketing managers. You will attend workshops, interactive discussions, lectures, and informal get-togethers. This eye-opening conference will inform and enlighten you about the opportunities available and skills needed for someone interested in pursuing a career in equine media.
- Have an opportunity to discuss your talents with the decision-makers who do the hiring. Conversely, those professionals will be evaluating and appraising you as a future employee or service provider.
Completed application form, plus:
- Transcript of high school or college work completed and list of courses currently in progress.
- A 200-word (maximum) biographical sketch detailing your equine background, media experience, and career plans.
- Three samples of your work, i.e., news or feature articles, advertisements, photographs, artwork, visual media, etc., published in print or online. (Classroom or published material acceptable.)
- Two letters of recommendation from individuals such as instructors and employers.
- Resume that includes list of scholarships and awards received, club and other organizations memberships, extra-curricular activities, and employment records including current job(s).
Incomplete applications are disqualified.
All application materials must be received electronically.
Acceptable file formats: PDF, jpg, mp4, mp3, Word or Google doc
American Horse Publications
Christy Jenkins, Associate Director
AHP Student Program Coordinator
(804) 822-0042
E-mail: christy.jenkins@easterassociates.com
The AHP Equine Media Student Award Judge will evaluate and compare your entry with other candidates based on the following criteria:
- Interest in horses and media
- Relevant experience
- Skills and abilities
- Career goals and confidence
- Will be a deserving representative as an ambassador for AHP and equine media
Applicants are scored based on the selection criteria. Up to two students may be selected to receive a $1,000 travel award for attending the Dallas, Texas conference. Winners of travel awards MUST attend the conference to receive their award. The Student Award Committee will interview the travel award winners during the conference. AHP will announce the Student Award winner during the conference.
Travel Award Winners
A travel award of $1,000, a complimentary conference registration* and student membership* will be awarded to up to two applicants. Travel Award winners have an opportunity to participate with equine media professionals in a three-day conference and related activities at the AHP Equine Media Conference.
Travel Award winners must agree to attend the conference, arriving by Thursday morning and departing no earlier than Sunday to receive the award.
AHP Equine Media Student Award Winner
The winner will receive a cash award of $1,000 and be named the AHP Equine Media Student Award Winner. Runner-up may also receive a cash award.
All Qualified Applicants
All qualified applicants will receive a complimentary student membership* and a student registration* for the annual conference.
*Registrations and memberships are not transferable.
Past AHP Equine Media Student Award Winners
1993: Carol Nelson
1994: Jennifer Denison
1995: Molly Nicodemus
1996: Laura Duffin
1997: Angie Welch Moore
1998: Stephanie Lynn Church
1999: Summer Ann Best
1999: Laura Denissen
2000: Michelle Berg Anderson
2001: Maggie Martin Malson
2002: Caraneen Smith
2003: Jessica Bieber-Hein
2004: Melissa Dymock
2005: Jessica Eissfeldt
2006: Nikki Hupman
2007: Nicole Lanphear
2008: Bana Varnon
2009: Erica Larson Spradling
2010: Hailey Elin Harroun
2011: Stephanie Smolek
2012: Danielle Moritz-Long
2013: April Leonard
2014: Catie Staszak
2015: Victoria Dixie Crowe
2016: Ema Klugman
2017: Kaycie Timm
2018: Emily Holowczak
2019: Lucile Vigouroux
2020: Ruby Tevis
2021: Hannah Waroway
2022: Reagan Smollen
2023: Josie Mac Fladager
2024: Taleen Hanna
AHP offers other opportunities…
- Student Membership is available to high school, college, and graduate students under the age of 25 for dues of $35. Students are profiled in the online AHP Membership Directory, have access to the Members Only area of the AHP website, and may attend the annual conference at a reduced registration. To join: https://www.americanhorsepubs.org/become-an-ahp-member/
- AHP CareerTrack includes student internship opportunities as well as job postings offered by AHP members. Visit https://www.americanhorsepubs.org/career-track/ for current list of opportunities. To share information with students who dream of a career in equine media, download and share the one-sheet, Horses + Media = AHP.