The U.S. House Ag Committee Wants to Hear from the Equine Industry 

Chairman G.T. Thompson (R-PA) and members of the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture want to hear from you regarding the Farm Bill. In particular, they ask for any new programs or ideas that you, or the organization that you represent, would like to see considered for the 2023 Farm Bill.

As with any piece of legislation—local, state or federal—the American Horse Council encourages members, and the general horse ownership population, to take a few minutes to fill out the survey, which can be found online ( Let them know how important it is to conduct a complete census of the horse and pony population in the United States.

Below, we have provided a template for a letter you can also send to the members of the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture, as well as your representatives. We encourage you to write a personalized paragraph introducing yourself, and then choose any or all the bullets points we have:

Dear <Representative Name>:

<Personally written intro paragraph>

I recommend the Farm Bill authorize a comprehensive census of horse and ponies to provide an accurate measure of the equine industry and its impact on the larger agriculture sector. The current equine census process used by the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) lacks scope and accuracy because it excludes an estimated five million animals and an unknown number of operations and owners. Although these uncounted horses and ponies may anonymously reside in backyards, nonproduction farms and rescue facilities, they all have an impact beyond their surroundings:

  • Lack of census data compromises the tracking and treating of equine and zoonotic diseases which could affect livestock and public health.
  • Underreporting the equine population increases the risk of gaps in veterinarian service areas, especially in rural areas.
  • Information collected in a comprehensive equine census will provide government, business and nonprofit organizations with key data to inform policy making on land-use decisions, economic development policies and natural disaster planning.
  • Comprehensive equine census data are essential for the general economy because such information is useful for private sector financial and business development.

Thank you for your attention on the equine industry and the necessities we need to keep the industry alive.


<Your Name>

<Your Address>

Any further questions, you can reach out to the American Horse Council’s Government Affairs Liaison, Brigid Shea:

About the American Horse Council
As the national association representing all segments of the horse industry in Washington, D.C., the American Horse Council works daily to represent equine interests and opportunities.

Contact: Megan Arszman
American Horse Council
Phone: 202-296-4031