AHP Annual Awards Contest Gets a New Name and Several New Classes for 2016

American Horse Publications announces that its annual awards competition for members-only has a brand new name. Starting with the 2016 award contest for material published in 2015, the competition has been renamed to the AHP Equine Media Awards (EMA).
“This is an exciting step for AHP,” says Chris Brune, AHP Executive Director. “We have discussed having a special name for the awards several times during the association’s 46-year history. However, nothing fit until Judy Lincoln, AHP Administrative Assistant, proposed the name.”
The AHP Board of Directors approved the name and logo in time for the release of the 2016 awards contest rules. Board members agreed that the new name gives a broader spectrum to the AHP awards and is the right direction to go for the association and its members. “I think the EMA’s has a nice ring to it!” says Jennifer Denison, one of AHP’s newest board members.
The AHP Equine Media Awards gets underway this month with the release of the contest rules and class list. “Based on member feedback, we have tweaked a few classes and added several new classes for 2016,” says Brune.
The Publishing Media Division is for Publishing Media and Individual members. Here are a few changes that members will note:
- News Reporting Related Feature Single Article class for a feature story related to a breaking-news event.
- The Service to the Reader class has been replaced by two new classes: Service to the Consumer and Service to the Horse Industry. This change will differentiate articles that relate to the consumer (i.e. how to purchase a trailer, preparing for an emergency, etc.) and articles related to the whole industry (i.e. trends, studies, rule changes, etc.)
- Publication Staff Single Online Advertisement is a new class in advertising design for Publishing Media members.
- Individual members have their own Equine-related Freelancer Website class for their brand site.
The Business Division, initiated in 2015, was expanded to include additional classes and changes requested by AHP Business, Nonprofit and College/University members in a recent survey. In addition to revisions to existing classes, the following new classes are added:
- Business Equine-Related Single Online Advertisement (animated or static)
- Business Equine-related Brand Multimedia Ad Campaign
- Business Brand Content Marketing Single Article (print or online)
There are several new versions of former classes offered as combined classes open to all members except students.
- Equine-related Newsworthy Video is for a single video on a news-related event or story.
- Equine-related Brand Marketing Video is for a single video created for marketing a brand.
- Equine-related Fiction Book, print or electronic
- Equine-related Nonfiction Book, print or electronic
The 2016 AHP Equine Media Awards rules and class list are available at http://www.americanhorsepubs.org/ahp-awards-contest/
To enter the AHP Equine Media Awards, you must be an AHP member for 2016. Entry forms are posted to the Members-Only page and members must login to access the forms for download.
If you have questions about the AHP awards contest, please contact Chris at amy.sales@easterassociates.com
If you are interested in becoming an AHP member, visit http://www.americanhorsepubs.org/become-an-ahp-member/
American Horse Publications is a non-profit professional association dedicated to promoting excellence in equine media and better understanding and communication within the equine publishing industry. For more information, please contact: Chris Brune, American Horse Publications at amy.sales@easterassociates.com or 386-760-7743 or visit the AHP Web site at www.americanhorsepubs.org.
For more information, contact:
Christine Brune, Awards Coordinator
Phone: 386-760-7743
E-mail: amy.sales@easterassociates.com