Jackie Baker, Digital Marketing Strategy

JACKIE BAKER is a marketing strategist with over a decade of agency experience, primarily digital, with a knack for getting inside the heads of businesses and consumers alike. As a strategist with Sanctuary Marketing Group based in Northeast Ohio, Jackie provides holistic digital marketing planning, oversight, and implementation for companies across a wide range of industries serving local, national, and global markets. While she’s well versed in all facets of online marketing including social, email, PPC, mobile, and usability, at heart she’s a writer and her first love is content and conversion marketing. She excels in SEO copywriting, blogging, and analytics.
A lifelong equestrian and pioneering blogger at regardinghorses.com, Baker helped launch an industry trapped by slow country dial-up into the internet marketing age. Her blogging success initiated partnerships with other equine media advocates from publishers to retailers to manufacturers and included campaigns like Horse World Gives Back, the Equestrian New Media Meet-Up, Riders4Helmets, and the Crusade Against Equine Colic. She takes a small amount of pride in being the first-ever guest of the Horse Radio Network on episode 1 of the Stable Scoop Radio Show.
Jackie Baker presented several sessions on digital marketing at the 2016 AHP May the Horse Be with You Seminar, Orlando Florida
Google Analytics: Identifying Problems and Opportunities by Asking the Right Questions [SLIDESHARE]
Using Personas and Use Cases to Evaluate and Inform Your Web Strategy [SLIDESHARE]
Sharing Ideas: Riding the Jump to Mobile [SLIDESHARE]
Speakers have shared their presentations with AHP members as a courtesy. Please do not share the presentations outside of your staff.