AHP commemorative pins are a collection of memories

By Tracy Gantz and Christine Brune, January 29, 2020
Fifteen years ago AHP began including commemorative pins as part of the annual conferences. As someone who loves Disney pin trading, Tracy Gantz was all in. Her pin collection multiplied to the point where she had to find an extra Disney pin lanyard to hold all of her 18 AHP pins. Tracy says, “I decided to loan my pin collection to Man o’ War, our 50th anniversary mascot, to show off the pins for this blog post. But I’ve returned them to the lanyard, which is about the only way I will be able to get them to Lexington in May.”
My aha moment at an AHP seminar in 1994

By Christine Brune, January 15, 2020
AHP Champion and past president, Dean Hoffman remembers an AHP seminar in Lexington, Kentucky in June 1994, when a representative of a printer spoke to AHP members. “His comments prompted several light bulbs to brighten in my normally-vacant brain,” he says. “AHP membership (and participation!) paid for itself many times over for Hoof Beats,” says Hoffman. “Plus, I got to hang around and become friends with some of the top professionals in equine journalism and benefit from their wisdom.”
How AHP changed my career

By Jennifer Bryant and Christine Brune, December 27, 2019
Longtime AHP member, Jennifer Bryant, recalls a meet-cute story from her first AHP seminar in 1995 that changed her career. A chance meeting with Lua Southard in the line for the ladies’ room led to a new position and a lifelong friendship.
Annual Awards given at the AHP Conference

By Christine Brune, October 17, 2019
Many special moments happen during the annual AHP Equine Media Conference, especially when it comes time to honor those in the equine media industry, and also the horse industry as a whole, with special awards. When those times come, don’t hesitate to cheer on both new and old friends during one of the many awards ceremonies at the conference.