AHP Congratulates Tracy Gantz, the 2019 Recipient of the AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award

By Christine Brune, June 1, 2019
Past AHP President and long time member, Tracy Gantz, has always been quick to serve, assisting with the Equine Media Awards presentation, serving as an interim Director when needed, and sharing her knowledge.
AHP Catches Attorney Milt Toby Off Guard with the 2018 Chris Brune Spirit Award

By Christine Brune, June 16, 2018
Milt Toby joins the AHP Spirit Squad as the 2018 recipient for his spirit in supporting and protecting the association as its legal counsel.
L.A. Sokolowski Joins the AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award Team as its First Spiritista in 2017

By Christine Brune, June 17, 2017
L.A. Sokolowski adds a little style and flair to the group, but her AHP spirit is what made her a great addition to the team. And what squad doesn’t need a ‘spiritista?”
Judy Lincoln Surprised with the 2016 AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award

By Christine Brune, June 18, 2016
Judy Lincoln’s can do attitude and contagious enthusiasm for AHP and its members shows she’s got the spirit.
Cheryl Erpelding Receives the 2015 AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award

By Christine Brune, June 20, 2015
Anyone who knows Cheryl Erpelding, knows she’s a cheerleader for AHP and a perfect choice for this award.
Kimberly Brown Named 2014 AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award Winner

By Christine Brune, June 22, 2014
Kim Brown embodies everything that’s good about AHP. She’s warm, funny, friendly, passionate about her work and horses, always ready to pitch in, and incredibly good at what she does.
Jennifer Bryant Named 2013 AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award Winner

By Christine Brune, June 23, 2013
Jennifer is a great team player and always willing to do whatever needs to be done for AHP. She puts 110 percent in what she does.
Pat Trowbridge Honored as 2012 AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award Winner

By Christine Brune, June 2, 2012
Pat truly epitomizes the spirit of this award as he is always willing to pitch in for any AHP job–big or small. And he does it with a contagious smile and a great attitude
Doug Hayes Named 2011 AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award

By Christine Brune, June 17, 2011
Doug Hayes is the person you want on your team. He’s dependable, hard-working, smart, talented, and will come to your rescue in a heartbeat.
Rebecca Pitcher Wins 2010 AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award

By Christine Brune, June 18, 2010
Becki is another outstanding example of the former AHP student members who enjoy “paying it forward” to encourage others to join our association and our industry.
Christy West Wins 2009 AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award

By Christine Brune, June 26, 2009
What’s so exceptional about Christy is her absolute commitment to excellence in every project she touches.
Daniel K. Lew Awarded 2008 AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award

By Christine Brune, June 21, 2008
No one was more deserving or a better example of true AHP spirit than Daniel Lew, who was a familiar face at AHP seminars for several years as the official AHP photographer at this event.
Ellen Kiser Celebrated as AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award Winner in 2007

By Christine Brune, June 23, 2007
Ellen Kiser was celebrated as the AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award Winner in 2007. Her spirit and smile were contagious during the eight years she assisted at AHP seminars.
Barrie Reightler Receives the 2006 AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award

By Christine Brune, June 23, 2006
Barrie Reightler is an award winning designer, but the AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award goes to her for her spirit and her heart.
Lua Oas Southard Recognized with the 2005 AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award

By Christine Brune, June 10, 2005
Lua Southard has always been actively involved in AHP activities and the association’s most enthusiastic cheerleader continually bringing new members into the AHP family.