Panel Discussions
By Christine Brune, August 13, 2021
Panel discussions provide attendees with an opportunity to learn from fellow members who are experts in their field. This year’s line up includes: Networking and Personal Branding, Cases Studies on Finding New Revenue, Writing and Publishing a Book, and the Fast Growing World of Equine Podcasts.
Emily Esterson, Presenter

By Christine Brune, August 13, 2021
Who is a journalist today? Are there different sets of ethics for media and bloggers, citizen journalists, and alternative journalists? How do journalists manage the sticky ethical questions of today’s hyper-competitive world? In this session, Emily Esterson will dive into ethical decision making for content creators of all kinds.
Larri Jo Starkey, Presenter

By Christine Brune, August 12, 2021
Whether you’re working on a business proposal, a marketing project, or an article, creativity is essential. But what do you do when the ideas don’t flow easily? Join Larri Jo Starkey as she leads you through fun exercises for successful brainstorming and idea discovery to unlock the creativity inside you.
Katie Navarra, Presenter

By Christine Brune, August 12, 2021
Writers and riders often worry more about trying to “fix” their weaknesses rather than leaning into what they do best. Join Katie Navarra for an interactive session to uncover your inherent strengths and lean in whether you’re a writer, marketer, ad sales professional, or a senior business executive. You’re strong already: Now get even stronger.
Glenn Hebert, Presenter

By Christine Brune, August 12, 2021
New podcasts are launching daily in part because it’s “easy” to start. The reality is it’s harder than it looks and most hosts quit recording within the first six months. Separate the signal from the noise with advice from equine podcast pioneer Glenn Hebert of Horse Radio Network for sustaining a podcast beyond the first few months.
Heather Wallace, Co-presenter

By Christine Brune, August 12, 2021
You’ve written a fantastic book, now what? You might wonder how some authors set themselves apart from the rest and make it look so effortless. Join equine authors and entrepreneurs Carly Kade and Heather Wallace as they show you how to build a professional presence, ask for reviews, engage with readers, and work with influencers.
Carly Kade, Co-presenter

By Christine Brune, August 12, 2021
You’ve written a fantastic book, now what? You might wonder how some authors set themselves apart from the rest and make it look so effortless. Join equine authors and entrepreneurs Carly Kade and Heather Wallace as they show you how to build a professional presence, ask for reviews, engage with readers, and work with influencers.
Susan Friedland, Presenter

By Christine Brune, August 12, 2021
Whether you have zero blogging experience or you’re an old pro, if you’re eager to modernize marketing and have some fun, this session is for you. Join author and equestrian lifestyle blogger Susan Friedland of Saddle Seeks Horse to unpack why blogging is still alive and well in 2021 and explore how to monetize your site without being smarmy.
Kate Bradley Byars, Co-presenter

By Christine Brune, August 12, 2021
The Freelance Remuda leaders, Abigail Boatwright and Kate Bradley Byars present a session for freelancers on increasing productivity. Freelancing, as a verb, defines someone that produces, sells, and accomplishes, and those three tasks take time. With proper systems in place to juggle assignments effectively, manage project billing and promote your business to increase opportunities, a freelancer can check off every item on the to-do list.
Abigail Boatwright, Co-presenter

By Christine Brune, August 12, 2021
The Freelance Remuda leaders, Abigail Boatwright and Kate Bradley Byars present a session for freelancers on increasing productivity. Freelancing, as a verb, defines someone that produces, sells, and accomplishes, and those three tasks take time. With proper systems in place to juggle assignments effectively, manage project billing and promote your business to increase opportunities, a freelancer can check off every item on the to-do list.
Bud Force, Guest Speaker

By Christine Brune, August 11, 2021
BUD FORCE is a filmmaker and photographer who specializes primarily in agriculture, outdoor lifestyle, and travel assignments. He presents two sessions, the first on combining photography and videography into a sustainable freelance business followed by the second session on a quick primer on cinematography and interview techniques. In both sessions, he used examples of his film, COWBOYS: A Documentary Portrait, as well as other projects. He will also be on hand to introduce the film during Friday’s night event, Cowboy Heritage, with a Q&A following the screening.
Barbra Schulte, Keynote Speaker

By Christine Brune, August 11, 2021
The past 19 months have been grueling for all of us. But amid the abyss of uncertainty, opportunities to flourish abound – if we choose to believe, dig deep, and search for them. In her keynote address, BARBRA SCHULTE shares Eight Adventures in Becoming Mindsets that will inspire you to create careers and lives moving forward that reflect your unique talents and what you love.
Blake Lewis, Guest Speaker

By Christine Brune, August 11, 2021
Bad things happen to good brands. After the initial crisis, the next step is communicating to clients, friends, and employees what has happened and what will happen next. The step after that one is repairing the brand’s reputation. In a three-part series on Reputation Management, communications expert BLAKE LEWIS breaks down those steps into three sessions covering search engine optimization (SEO), data analytics, and reputation management.
Jim Jennings, Guest Speaker

By Christine Brune, August 11, 2021
JIM JENNINGS spent his career documenting the history of the American Quarter Horse. Hired by AQHA in 1971 as associate editor of The Quarter Horse Journal, Jim retired as AQHA Executive Director of Publications in 2008 after 37 years. Under his leadership, two new magazines were introduced. The Quarter Racing Journal focused on the racing industry and was first published in January 1988. A decade later, America’s Horse debuted as a magazine dedicated to the everyday AQHA member. Two years ago, Jim was asked by AQHA to return part time and help with a revision of The American Quarter Horse Journal.