The Power of Mentoring

By , April 1, 2019

There is nothing I like to read better than a story with a happy ending. Especially when the happy ending combines a student pursuing a career in equine publishing and an AHP member.

A Mission with A Vision

By , November 17, 2014

Forty-five years ago, a group of publishers gathered to form an organization of horse publications. The original mission, “to promote better understanding and cooperation between all facets of the horse industry, irrespective of breed,” is true today.

Face Time

By , April 15, 2014

We communicate differently these days. Thank technology or do we?
What happened to doing business with a handshake?
Where did face-to-face conversations go?

A Resolution to Re-Focus in 2014

By , January 1, 2014

I have a hard time focusing these days. My first thought was, “My brain just doesn’t function as well anymore.” I scratched that thought.

Writing for the Brand

By , November 1, 2013

The word, “brand,” is often associated with a product. But a brand can be anything including a print publication. While the doomsayers say print is dead, you and I know that it is not.

Formatting Funk

By , September 30, 2013

There are days when I miss my IBM Selectric typewriter.