Member Policies

A completed membership application must be submitted with payment for membership to be processed and valid. Payment without an application will be refunded by request only.

AHP reserves the right to revoke a membership if the member demonstrates conduct detrimental to the goals and purposes of the AHP.

By subscribing to the AHP e-list, the member gives permission for AHP to send e-mail communication to e-mail addresses provided.

The applicant has read this application and agrees to be bound by its provisions and the association bylaws if accepted as a member.

The American Horse Publications Member List is the property of the AHP, which holds the copyright to the list and which will exercise the full rights of a copyright holder and property owner under federal and state law in the event of misuse.

Newsgroup Policies and Guidelines

Distribution via the AHP Newsgroup is a Members-Only benefit. On approval, submissions are sent from the AHP administrative office to the current list of AHP member e-mail addresses. Member releases are also listed and archived on the AHP website (

Publishing Media and Individual Members are limited to two press releases per month; Business, Nonprofit, and College/University Members are limited to three press releases per month. There is no rollover if unused.

Submissions must contain content directly about an AHP member. An AHP member is defined by the name the current membership is listed.

Submissions must include information that would be of interest to the general membership. Solicitations are not allowed including crowdfunding other than for charitable organizations granted 501(c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Service. Messages should not include statements that may harm the reputation or relationship of a fellow AHP member. The Newsgroup should be an outlet for actual news, and not a forum for opinion or debate.

Submissions should be sent in an e-mail message to Release can be attached as Word file. Attached files, such as PDF and images, will not be used. Messages may contain links, but no tiny URLs. Images or logos will not be included or distributed however you may mention that images are available on request. Press releases must include contact information. Please limit type color to black with one color for links only. If the release does not conform to these guidelines, the member will be asked to resubmit in the correct format or the release will be revised to an acceptable format for distribution. In either case, there could be a delay in distribution.

AHP has not verified the factual statements in any message and AHP assumes no responsibility for the contents of, or any damage resulting from, any communication in the Newsgroup. Publication in the Newsgroup is not an endorsement by the organization of any product, person, or policy. Complaints or concerns about the content of AHP Newsgroup postings should be directed to the originating individual or organization and not to AHP. Complaints of copyright or trademark infringement may be addressed to the Executive Director.

The Executive Director shall, with or without consultation with the Board, determine whether a submission satisfies the guidelines for publication in the Newsgroup. Determination of suitability or lack thereof by the Executive Director shall be final. A rejected submission will count against a member’s monthly quota. If the release is revised for submission and approved, the published release will count against the monthly quota. If a member elects to disjoin the association due to a rejected posting, membership dues will not be prorated or refunded.