Community Journalism, Ag-Focused Careers in the Spotlight of The Freelance Remuda’s Episode 41: The Juggle Struggle

The Freelance Remuda launched “Episode 41: The Juggle Struggle” this week to highlight how to carry a heavy workload and discussed agriculture careers with Of The West founder Jessie Jarvis and the importance of community-focused journalism with Jen Paulson. Hosts Abigail Boatwright and Kate Bradley Byars continued the equine media-focused podcast’s new format of segmented episodes that bring listeners as much information, and entertainment, as possible in each segment.

The Freelance Remuda Podcast is produced for freelance professionals who are navigating the equine media frontier. It’s available on, through Apple Podcasts and Libsyn, and now Spotify and Stitcher. The episode, which launched in on August 31, includes three segments starting with the hosts discussing how a heavy workload affects time management, as well as what can be done to juggle multiple assignments—the life of a freelancer!

Jarvis’ Of The West, a website that makes it easy to find jobs in the agriculture and western industries whether you’re an employer or job seeker, is the main topic of segment two. From chatting about remote work to her social campaign promoting agriculture jobs, Jarvis is a communicator by trade and entrepreneur by passion. She also provided The Freelance Remuda with a big announcement: Of The West is now the official job platform of the American Quarter Horse Association.

“Two initiatives we kicked off toward the beginning of [August] that we put a lot of weight behind, the first is #myjobmakesanimpact,” Jarvis said. “Those of us in ag and Western industries sometimes feel our jobs are overlooked and the rest of the world doesn’t understand the impact our jobs have. One of the biggest things we are able to do is share that by telling our story. ‘My Job Makes An Impact’ is a power phrase in the industry, regardless of the job you have in the industry.”

Paulson’s passion for community journalism shines in her work for the Colorado Horse Connection. The former Horse & Rider editor and The Reiner editor, and podcast developer and marketer, leverages her experience to bring light to regional news, and shared the importance of that in segment three.

“I love the Western performance horse [events], but I am also a backyard horse owner and just ride for fun, so I appreciate those horse owners as well,” Paulson said. “I’ve always been involved in the Colorado horse community on some level…the opportunity to highlight more local professionals serving their community and provide resources for horse people here in the Colorado area, I was excited about it.”

The podcast is prepping for its fifth episode to come in October, as the Freelance Remuda Podcast moves from quarterly to every other month, with a blog post produced on the off months, thus providing equine media members with more robust content to navigate the industry.

An archive of podcast episodes provides a great resource for those wanting to understand how to forge a path through the horse industry with ease and professional grace. Those looking to make a splash and gain regular work within the industry also have a chance to mentor under Boatwright and Byars through the Freelance Remuda Mentorship Program, which offers three levels of immersive learning. The mentorship has assisted several individuals who are now regular contributors to magazines like Horse Illustrated, Horse & Rider, Western Horseman, Barrel Horse News, Reined Cow Horse News, Chrome and the Paint Horse Journal.

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About The Freelance Remuda Podcast
The Freelance Remuda is a podcast about navigating the equine media frontier. Co-hosted by seasoned freelance professionals Abigail Boatwright and Kate Bradley Byars, the podcast explores the trials and triumphs surrounding life as a freelancer in equine media, while sharing valuable tips from equine media editors and creatives doing what they love. The dictionary lists a remuda as: re•mu•da (noun): a herd of horses that have been saddle-broken from which ranch hands choose their mounts for the day. The Freelance Remuda’s mission is to help train up a herd of professionals specializing in horses, from which editors and businesses in equine media can hire to do great work. Find and subscribe to the podcast wherever you choose to listen, and for more information, go to

For more information, contact
Abigail Boatwright, podcast co-host at (210) 414-6761
Kate Bradley Byars, podcast co-host at (713) 907-4329

The Freelance Remuda