Floating Teeth: An Interview with Equine Dentist Jody Briggs

Gina McKnightMonday Creek Publishingauthor, freelance writer, equestrian, blogger, and poet invites readers to explore her international blog, Riding & Writing, about horses, writers, authors, books, cowboys, equestrians, photographers, artists, poets, poems, and more horses.

Floating Teeth: An Interview with Equine Dentist Jody Briggs:    Why do they call equine dental care floating teeth? I looked it up. The rasp the equine dentist uses is called a float. It’s an important process for every horse – to keep long teeth from getting too sharp, causing hooks, etc. My mare, who is now twenty, was dropping her grain. It had been a couple of years since her last float, and I knew she was ready. Recently, I caught up with my equine dentist, Jody Briggs, to talk about the process, what to expect, and why it’s so important.    … Read more here…  

 More on the blog…

  • A beloved veterinarian from Maine to Colorado to the Ohio Valley – read about Abbott P. Smith, DVM, Athens, Ohio, in “Milliron: The Biography follow my Amazon Author Page!
  • Promote what you love! Send me your info and I’ll post your business, book, stallion, photography or art! – Horse Business 
  • To read all of my Riding & Writing archived freelance, interviews, and book reviews, visit https://ginamc.blogspot.com/

Member: Outdoor Writers of Ohio, Ohio Arts Council, Appalachian Author’s Guild, Ohio Quarter Horse Association, Ohio Poetry Association, Ohio Paint Horse Association, Ohio Horse Council, American Horse Publications

Contact: Gina McKnight

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