Tania Casselle, Writing and Mindfulness Workshop

TANIA CASSELLE has been a writer and editor for 20+ years, working for magazines and newspapers in the US, Europe, and Asia and for online media such as Forbes Travel, MSN.com, and AOL Travel. A committee chair for the American Society of Journalists & Authors, Casselle is the author of Insiders’ Guide to Albuquerque (Globe Pequot Press) and contributor to the 2019 edition of Writer’s Market (Writers Digest Books) as well as the 2010, 2012, and 2013 editions of Novel & Short Story Writers Market (Writers Digest Books), the 2015 Guide to Literary Agents: The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published (Writer’s Digest Books) and NOW WRITE! Fiction Writing Exercises from Today’s Best Writers and Teachers (Tarcher). Her fiction has appeared in the book anthologies Harlot Red (Serpent’s Tail Press), The Sensitively Thin Bill of the Shag (Biscuit Press), Online Writing: The Best of the First Ten Years (SnowVigate press), In Like Company: The Salt River Review & Porch Anthology, Short on Sugar, High on Honey, a collection of microfiction published by The International Short-Short Story Press, plus literary journals including New York Stories, South Dakota Review, Saint Ann’s Review, Carve Magazine, Bitter Oleander, Cadenza, In Posse Review, Wild Strawberries, Salt River Review, Yankee Pot Roast etc. She won the 2017 Lesley Poling-Kempes prize for nonfiction, a Pushcart Prize nominee for short fiction, and her work has received recognition in awards including the New Mexico Book Awards, the Raymond Carver Short Story Award, the Virginia Woolf Asham Award, the American Literary Review Fiction Contest, the Emerging Writers Network fiction contest, Santa Fe Writers Project Lit Awards, National Federation of Press Women awards, and winner of New Mexico Press Women awards for fiction, radio interviews, best blog, food writing and style writing, etc. As host of the Writers on Radio show broadcast on NPR affiliate stations, Casselle won a National Federation of Press Women Award. She has taught creative writing workshops for UNM Taos and other arts organizations in the USA and Europe, with an emphasis on contemplative mindfulness and meditation. See her website at www.TaniaCasselle.com
Friday, May 31 – 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Zen in the Art of Writing Workshop with Tania Casselle and Sean Murphy
In this contemplative writing workshop we’ll explore how meditation and mindfulness practices can stimulate the creative process and open the mind to new possibilities, with special emphasis on freeing the natural flow of the creative process and finding or deepening our most natural writing voices. We’ll combine meditation, mindfulness and sensory awareness practices with writing practice and other exercises to stimulate creativity and encourage fresh ideas. Most importantly, we’ll rediscover the freedom, playfulness, and joy that made us want to write in the first place. As a process-oriented rather than critically-oriented workshop, this is open to everyone at all levels of writing experience.