Rebecca Pitcher Wins 2010 AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award

The AHP Spirit Award is presented to the member who has done the most consistently to assist and support the association. The individual is selected by the Board of Directors.
In 2004, the inaugural award was presented (as a surprise) to Chris Brune and the title changed to the AHP Chris Brune Spirit Award. Previous award winners include Lua Oas Southard, Barrie Reightler, Ellen Kiser, Daniel Lew, and Christy West.
In Lexington, Kentucky, during AHP’s 40th Anniversary Seminar, the 2010 Chris Brune Spirit Award was presented to Rebecca Pitcher.
Becki joined American Horse Publications as a Student Member. After graduation, her job searching landed her a position with Equine Resources International, where she was the Media & Communications Manager.
Becki has been a strong supporter of AHP’s student programs having worked with Chris Brune on the Student Mentoring Program as well as collaborating with Christine Hamilton, Summer Best and Jennifer Denison to develop a Horses + Media = The Coolest Careers in the World! brochure for students interested in careers in equine publishing.
Becki has been instrumental in processing the nominations for the Equine Industry Vision Award for many years as well as co-ordinating the presentation at the breakfast honoring the recipients during the annual seminar.
She is another outstanding example of the former AHP student members who enjoy “paying it forward” to encourage others to join our association and our industry.